G2C Services:
e-Mitra is an integrated project to facilitate the urban and the rural
masses with maximum possible services related to different state
government departments through Lokmitra-Janmitra Centers/Kiosks.
The e-Mitra Project integrates LokMitra (an urban centric e-government
project) and JanMitra (a rural centric e-enabled service delivery
system) so as to bring together all the departments under one roof
in an efficient, transparent, convenient and friendly manner using
IT in all or any aspects of citizen service to maximize speed,
accountability, objectivity, affordability and accessibility from
the perspective of the citizens. Various Citizen-centric services
of Government departments are being made available in integrated
form through 'e-Mitra' centers / kiosks also known as service &
information delivery points. This project has been implemented
across 32 districts under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.
The key objectives of the project are as mentioned below:-
• Provide for hassle free one-stop solution to the citizen.
• Unified e-services platform minimize multiple interaction
points for the citizen and hence reducing the wastage of valuable time.
• Combines best features of LokMitra & JanMitra models.
• Enhanced services basket more departments including private sector services.
• Uniform information interchange architecture.
• Public-Private Partnership model for Front Offices.
• Back Office to be owned by Government but operated by Technology Partner.
• Will provide employment to over 2000 educated youths.
• Uses real time, Internet & batch processing modes.
• Being expanded across the state in phased manner.